PF98式120 mm反坦克火箭,是我国自行设计研制的新一代步兵反坦克武器,它的成功研制和装备使用,大大提高了我军步兵分队反坦克作战的能力。就PF98式120 mm反坦克火箭的特点及训练使用方法做一些介绍,以供参考。
The PF98 - 120ram anti - tank bazooka, is China's self- designed development of the new generation infantry anti - tank weapons, and its successful development and use of equipment will greatly enhance the army infantry detachments, anti - tank capability. This paper introduces the PF98 - 120mm anti - tank bazooka and the characteristics of training methods.
Journal of Pla Institute of Physical Education