
白细胞介素10基因治疗关节炎的特点 被引量:2

Interleukin-10 gene therapy for arthritis
摘要 学术背景:现代研究认为,关节炎(特别是类风湿关节炎)患者体内可能存在某些易感基因,在外界环境的作用下导致机体发病,因此关节炎的基因疗法主要通过抑制或增强其发病机制中的某些环节来实现。研究表明,白细胞介素10基因治疗关节炎在动物实验方面取得了一定的成果。目的:概述白细胞介素10基因治疗关节炎的相关研究及进展,以期为临床治疗关节炎提供新的启示。检索策略:作者应用计算机检索PUBMED数据库1995-01/2007-10有关白细胞介素10基因治疗关节炎的文献,检索词为"arthritis,interleukin-10",限定文献语言种类为English。对资料进行初审。纳入标准:①白细胞介素10生物学功能的相关研究。②白细胞介素10基因治疗关节炎的应用研究。排除标准:重复性研究和综述。共收集到62篇符合要求的文献,通过查找原文,重点引用25篇。文献评价:引用的25篇文献中白细胞介素10治疗关节炎的机制研究10篇,全身性基因治疗研究8篇,局部性基因治疗研究4篇,人类类风湿关节炎病变组织的体外实验3篇。资料综合:目前白细胞介素10基因治疗关节炎主要采用直接体内基因治疗的方法。收集到的文献均显示白细胞介素10基因治疗可有效地治疗关节炎,对全身的关节产生保护性作用。病变关节腔内的局部注射治疗可以避免静脉或肌肉注射造成的其他组织和器官不必要的治疗暴露。结论:目前白细胞介素10基因治疗关节炎在动物实验方面取得了一定的成果,随着基因技术的进步,白细胞介素10基因疗法有望成为治疗人类关节炎的新途径。 BACKGROUND: Modem medicine has demonstrated that, arthritis (especially rheumatoid arthritis) may induce predisposing genes in patients and lead to diseases by means of external environment, so the gene therapy of arthritis always acts by inhibiting or enhancing some links in onset mechanism. Interleukin-10 (IL-10) gene therapy has achieved outcomes in treatment of arthritis for animal experiments. OBJECTIVE: To summarize the studies related to IL-10 gene therapy of arthritis, and provide new enlightenments for the treatment of arthritis in clinic. RETRIEVAL STRATEGY: A computer-based search was conducted in Pubmed database for articles about IL-10 gene therapy of arthritis published from January 1995 to October 2007, with the keywords of "arthritis, intedeukin-10" and the language was limited in English. Data were selected primarily. Inclusion criteria:①studies related to the biological characteristics and function of IL-10.② implicated studies related to IL-10 gene therapy of arthritis. Exclusion criteria: repetitive studies and reviews, Totally 62 articles were collected, and 25 of them in accordance with the criteria were included. LITERATURE EVALUATION: Among 25 referred articles, there were l0 ones referring the mechanism of IL-10 gene therapy to treat arthritis, 8 ones referring systemic gene therapy, 4 ones referring to local gene therapy, and 3 ones referring the affected tissues in human rheumatoid arthritis by in vivo trial. DATA SYNTHESIS: Now the gene therapy of arthritis by using IL-10 is mainly conducted in vivo. All studies collected suggest that gene therapy of arthritis by using IL-10 is effective to treat arthritis and can produce protective action for all joints in the body. The local injection toward the pathological articular cavities can avoid the unnecessary therapeutic expose to vascular or muscle injection in other tissues or organs. CONCLUSION: Some achievements have been gained in animal experiments regarding the gene therapy of arthritis by using IL- 10. With the gene technology progressing, the therapy is hopeful to become a new treatment of arthritis.
出处 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第20期3943-3946,共4页 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research
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