
基于本体的CAPP知识集成及检索研究 被引量:3

CAPP Knowledge Integration and Query Based on Ontology
摘要 首先分析了CAPP知识集成需求和CAPP知识异构类型,接着给出了基于本体的CAPP知识集成框架;并研究了基于本体的CAPP知识集成方法;然后给出了基于本体的知识检索算法;最后,通过实例验证,知识检索的查准率和查全率得到了明显改善。 To improve the utilization efficiency of CAPP knowledge, the requirement of CAPP knowledge integration and the heterogeneous type of CAPP knowledge are analyzed firstly. Then, a CAPP knowledge integration frame based on ontology is proposed and a CAPP knowledge integration method that, a knowledge query arithmetic Results show that the precision and based on ontology is given. Finally, an recall of knowledge query are improved based on ontology is presented. After example is given to verify the method. considerably.
出处 《机械科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期614-619,共6页 Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering
关键词 知识集成 知识检索 本体 CAPP knowledge integration knowledge query ontology CAPP
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