1Jr. Williams & H. Sewell, “How Classes, are Made: Criti- cal Reflections on E. P. Thompson's Theory of Working - clair Formarion, ”in Harvey J. Kaye and Keith McClelland ed. ,E. P. Thompson : Critical Perspectives, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1990, pp. 50,59 - 60.
4Edward Thompson, "The Long Revolution I, "New Left Review,no. 9(1961), pp. 30 - 31.
5Edward Thompson,"The Long Revolution Ⅱ, "New Left Review ,no. 10(1961) ,pp. 34 - 35.
6Edward Thompson, "The Peculiarities of the English," in Edward Thompson, The Poverty of Theory & Other Essays, New York : Monthly Review Press, 1978, pp. 283,284.
7Tom Naim,“ The Break - up of Britain : Crisis and Neonationalism, ”London: New Left Books, 1977, pp. 303 - 304.
8E. P. Thompson, The Politics of Theory, in Raphael Samuel, People's History and Socialist Theory, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, 1981 ,p. 405.
9Edward Thompson, "The Poverty of Theory or An Orrery of Errors, "in Edward Thompson, The Poverty of Theory & Other Essays, New York: Monthly Review Press, 1978, pp. 171, 170 - 171,171,8.
10Edward Thompson, “Eighteenth- Century English Society: Class Struggle without Class, ”Social History, vol. 3, no. 2( 1978), pp. 133- 165.