2008年5月18日,源自美国的专业卡客车轮胎——迪恩(Dean)轮胎,在厦门举行发布会。对于迪恩轮胎也许很多人并不熟悉,但谈起其所从属的品牌——固铂轮胎(Cooper Tires)则广为人知。此次借第6届全国卡车大赛厦门站比赛的展示平台,“迪恩”在赛场上充分展现了作为传统高端品牌所具备的优异品质和全面性能。迪恩轮胎的上市将丰富固铂旗下商用车轮胎品牌的布局,
May 18, 2008, Dean Tyre was officially launched in Xiamen, Fujian Province. The excellent quality and capability of Dean tyre were well demonstrated during the Xiamen stop of 6th Foton Auman & Aucum Cup National Truck Race. It is said that Dean tyre does not only help expand the brand image building of Cooper Tires, but also provide products and service solution for middle-long distance transport business of high-end truck customers.
Commercial Vehicle