
滑坡危险性评价中关键因素的筛选 被引量:9

Selection of key factors in assessment of landslide hazard
摘要 影响滑坡发育的因素是多方面的,各因素之间又相互影响、相互制约,而且不同因素对滑坡发育的贡献有很大差异,要准确合理地进行区域滑坡危险性评价,首先必须对各致灾因素之间的关系进行详细分析,合理选择参加评价的关键因素。针对这个目的,提出了综合考虑滑坡敏感性综合指标(IEL)和单因素方差分析结果(P)进行关键因素筛选的方法。首先采用百分比分段的方法进行致灾因素数据的类别划分,然后分别计算各致灾因素的两种指标大小,综合考虑两种指标以实现滑坡关键因素的筛选,当IEL和P指标都满足条件时,才能归入到关键因素中。将该方法应用于庆元地区滑坡灾害危险性评价,获得了比较满意的结果,筛选结果符合实际情况。 There are numerous factors that will have more or less impacts on the development of landslides. Most of these factors are interacting, and their contribution to the landslides has a great variability. For the regional landslide hazard assessment, the dependency of the factors must be analyzed quantitatively. Accordingly, the key influential factors of landslide should are selected. A composite approach to combine the integrated susceptibility index of landslide (IEL) and single factor variance (P) is put forward. Firstly, the data of hazard-formative factors are classified ou the basis of their segmental percentage. Since the IEL and P can be calculated, thus the key factors of landslide may be selected under considering two iudices. Only both IEL and P satisfy the condition, the factor can be taken as key factor. This approach is used in Qingyuan Region, Zhejiang Province, and the result is in line with practical situation.
出处 《自然灾害学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期87-92,共6页 Journal of Natural Disasters
基金 国家自然科学基金项目资助(40072096) 教育部高校优秀青年教师科研与教学奖励计划资助项目
关键词 滑坡 危险性评价 致灾因素 方差分析 landslide hazard assessment hazard-formative factor variance analysis
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