
我国区域经济集聚的环境效应研究 被引量:7

A Study on Environmental Impact of Regional Economy Concentration in China
摘要 区域经济集聚通常对地方的经济增长和城市化发展具有巨大的推动作用,但在生态环境方面的作用却相反,主要表现在三个方面:在区域内,经济集聚的环境效应会使地方环境问题日趋严重;在区域外,经济集聚引致了大规模的跨区域资源配置,这种跨区域的经济要素流动由于缺乏应有的生态补偿机制的配合,会将经济集聚的环境负效应扩散到资源流出地区,造成全局性的环境问题;在环境治理方面,现有的环境政策并不能减弱经济集聚的向心力与环境负效应,反而刺激了经济集聚,增加了集聚区域的经济总量和污染排放总量。结果,经济集聚的环境问题更加突出,并向区域外扩散,呈现出一种全局性的生态环境恶化趋势。 Usually, regional economy concentration makes an important role in promoting economic growth and urbanization in the region, but the function in ecological environmental protection is opposite, mainly behaving in three aspects: In the area, the environmental effect of economic concentration will make the local environmental problem become more serious, Outside the area, economic concentration will cause extensive trans-regional resources distribution, such trans-regional economic factor mobility, because of lacking the cooperation of due ecological compensation mechanism, will make the environmental negative impact of regional economy concentration spread toward the regions that supply resources, and cause the overall environment problem; In environmental improvement, the existing environmental policy can not weaken the centripetal force and environmental negative impact of the regional economy concentration, but stimulate economy to gather instead and increase the total amount of the supply and demand and total amount of the pollutants at the same time in the regions that economy behaves agglomerate. As a result, the environmental problem of regional economy concentration will become more outstanding, and will spread to the west regions that supply a large number of production factors, demonstrating a development trend of ecological deterioration of the environment of overall importance.
作者 侯凤岐
出处 《西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第3期20-25,共6页 Journal of Northwest A&F University(Social Science Edition)
基金 陕西省教育厅社会科学基金(03JK01804JK075)
关键词 经济集聚 生态资源 环境效应 生态补偿 economic concentration ecological resources environmental impact ecological complement
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