在警务综合信息管理系统或任务关键型环境中使用任何软件产品,都需要考虑可用性,这是对系统完成其应该完成的任务(甚至是在出现崩溃、设备故障和环境灾难的情况下)的能力的度量。随着越来越多关键应用转移到Internet上,提供高可用性服务变得日趋重要。WebSphere MQ在警务管理系统中是一个重要的消息中间件,应具备高可用性。
Using any software product in Police Integration Information Management System or mission -critical environment requires that you consider availability, a measure of the ability of a system to do what it is supposed to do, even in the presence of crashes, equipment failures, and environmental mishaps. As more and more critical commercial applications move onto the Internet, providing highly available services becomes increasingly important. WebSphere MQ is an important piece of messaging middleware to help to accelerate the transformation into an on - demand business, which should have high availability.
Journal of Liaoning Police Academy