
Cyclic patterns of incidence rate for skin malignant melanoma:association with heliogeophysical activity

Cyclic patterns of incidence rate for skin malignant melanoma:association with heliogeophysical activity
摘要 Background: Our previous studies revealed cyclicity in the incidence rate of skin malignant melanoma (SMM; ICD9, Dx: 172) in the Czech Republic (period T=7.50~7.63 years), UK (T= 11.00 years) and Bulgaria (T= 12.20 years). Incidences com- pared with the sunspot index Rz (lag-period dT=+2, +4, +6, + 10 or + 12 years) have indicated that maximal rates are most likely to appear on descending slopes of the ;ll-year solar cycle, i.e., out of phase. We summarized and explored more deeply these cyclic variations and discussed their possible associations with heliogeophysical activity (HGA) components exhibiting similar cyclicity. Methods: Annual incidences of SMM from 5 countries (Czech Republic, UK, Bulgaria, USA and Canada) over various time spans during the years 1964-1992 were analyzed and their correlations with cyclic Rz (sunspot number) and aa (planetary geomagnetic activity) indices were summarized. Periodogram regression analysis with trigonometric approximation and phase-correlation analysis were applied. Results: Previous findings on SMM for the Czech Republic, UK and Bulgaria have been validated, and cyclic patterns have been revealed for USA (T=8.63 years, P〈0.05) and Canada (Ontario, T=9.91 years, P〈0.10). Also, various 'hypercycles' were established (T=45.5, 42.0, 48.25, 34.5 and 26.5 years, respectively) describing long-term cyclic incidence patterns. The association of SMM for USA and Canada with Rz (dT=+6 and +7 years, respectively) and aa (dT=-10 and +9 years, respectively) was described. Possible interactions of cyclic non-photic influences (UV irradiation, Schumann resonance signal, low-frequency geomagnetic fluctuations) with brain waves absorbance, neuronal calcium dynamics, neuro-endocrine axis modulation, melatonin/serotonin disbalance and skin neuro-immunity impairment as likely causal pathways in melanoma appearance, were also discussed. Conclusion: The above findings on cyclicity and temporal association of SMM with cyclic environmental factors could not only allow for better forecasting models but also lead to a better understanding of melanoma aetiology. Background:Our previous studies revealed cyclicity in the incidence rate of skin malignant melanoma(SMM;ICD9,Dx:172)in the Czech Republic(period T=7.50~7.63 years),UK(T=11.00 years)and Bulgaria(T=12.20 years).Incidences com- pared with the sunspot index Rz(lag-period dT=+2,+4,+6,+10 or+12 years)have indicated that maximal rates are most likely to appear on descending slopes of the 11-year solar cycle,i.e.,out of phase.We summarized and explored more deeply these cyclic variations and discussed their possible associations with heliogeophysical activity(HGA)components exhibiting similar cyclicity. Methods:Annual incidences of SMM from 5 countries(Czech Republic,UK,Bulgaria,USA and Canada)over various time spans during the years 1964~1992 were analyzed and their correlations with cyclic Rz(sunspot number)and aa(planetary geomagnetic activity)indices were summarized.Periodogram regression analysis with trigonometric approximation and phase-correlation analysis were applied.Results:Previous findings on SMM for the Czech Republic,UK and Bulgaria have been validated,and cyclic patterns have been revealed for USA(T=8.63 years,P<0.05)and Canada(Ontario,T=9.91 years,P<0.10).Also,various 'hypercycles'were established(T=45.5,42.0,48.25,34.5 and 26.5 years,respectively)describing long-term cyclic incidence patterns.The association of SMM for USA and Canada with Rz(dT=+6 and+7 years,respectively)and aa(dT=?10 and+9 years,respectively)was described.Possible interactions of cyclic non-photic influences(UV irradiation,Schumann resonance signal,low-frequency geomagnetic fluctuations)with brain waves absorbance,neuronal calcium dynamics,neuro-endocrine axis modulation,melatonin/serotonin disbalance and skin neuro-immunity impairment as likely causal pathways in melanoma ap- pearance,were also discussed.Conclusion:The above findings on cyclicity and temporal association of SMM with cyclic envi- ronmental factors could not only allow for better forecasting models but also lead to a better understanding of melanoma aetiology.
出处 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第6期489-495,共7页 浙江大学学报(英文版)B辑(生物医学与生物技术)
基金 Project partially supported by the European Community TEMPUS International Mobility Grant(No.3604)in 1996(UK)and Youth Scientific Association"Asklepios"Grant in 1997(Bulgaria)
关键词 Melanoma incidence CYCLICITY Heliogeophysical activity (HGA) Forecasting Skin neurobiology 黑色素瘤 皮肤 活性 手术治疗
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