论述了一种基于CPLD的分布式数据采集系统的设计方法,通过CPLD对外围硬件的控制,可以开发出一种方便编程的、通用的能进行数据采集和处理的多通道数据采集处理模块,同时可以把采集到的数据通过CAN总线传输到MCU进行处理。详细论述了系统的设计方案,各部分硬件的构成。利用VHDL完成了对系统各个部分的软件设计、CAN IP核的设计,并给出了部分功能模块在MAX+PLUSⅡ中的仿真结果。
A kind of design method of distributed multi-channel data acquisition system is introduced. The method used CPLD to control the peripheral chips to construct a kind of universal multi-channel data acquisition module, which can be easily programmed, processes data intelligently and transmits the data processed to MCU through Controller Area Network (CAN). This paper described the system's scheme and hardware structure. Software design for subsystems and CAN IP for the module were provided using VHDL language, The simulating result was also provided under the environment of MAX+PLUS Ⅱ software.