
制度安排与社会空间极化--现行公共住房政策透视 被引量:21

Institutional Arrangement and the Polarization of Social Space:A Perspective on the Current Public Housing Policy
摘要 自从中国实行住房商品化以来,以居住分异为典型特征的社会空间极化现象日益明显。与此同时,作为一项制度安排,公共住房政策由于目标定位的偏差,在经济适用房的区位安排中选择了"孤岛化、集中化和大型化"的空间模式,对市场化条件下的城市社会空间极化发挥了"同向强化效应",加剧和强化了社会空间极化。经济适用房居住区也不同程度地出现"贫民区化"或"类贫民区化"的趋势。因此,应将抑制社会空间极化、促进社会融合作为公共住房政策的重要目标,并切实从以下三条途径达此目标:采取"社区混合居住"的适度混居模式,注重居住与就业的平衡,注重公共产品和公共服务在城市空间的公平配置。 Since China put commercialization of housing into practice, the polarization of social space charac-terized by differentiated inhabitation has become increasingly obvious. At the same time, the public housing policy as an institutional arrangement selects a model called “islandization, concentration and large-scale con-struction”, when deciding on the location for the residential districts of economically affordable housing. This bias of target orientation of public housing policy strengthens the polarization of urban social space under the marketization condition to a great extent. Therefore, there is generally an evident tendency of turning into slums or quasi-slums many residential districts of economically affordable housing. Facing the situation, our public housing policy should set new important goals which include restraining the polarization of social space and improving social integration. There are three approaches to reaching the aim : to adopt the model of mixed communities, to pay much attention to the balance between inhabitation and employment, and to attach due importance to a fair distribution of public goods and public services.
作者 徐琴
出处 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期26-31,共6页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 社会空间极化 公共住房政策 社区混合居住 polarization of social space public housing policy mixed communities
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