对引进的11个饲草小黑麦品种进行了区域适应性试验,结果表明,鲜草产量品种间达到极显著差异,干草产量品种间达到显著差异;NTH1048,NTH2337与对照中饲237鲜草产量存在显著差异,NTH1048,NTH2337和NSHW 11与对照中饲237干草产量存在显著差异。
Adaptability test of 11 tritical breeds introduced from CAAS was conducted. The results showed that, fresh grass yields were extremely different and hay yields were significantly different betrween all breeds. NTH1048 and NTH2337 were significantly different to CK at fresh grass yields. NTH1048, NTH2337 and NSHW11 were significantly different to CK at hay yields.
Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences