选择深圳市为研究区域,基于1996、2000和2004年的土地利用类型图估算了深圳市生态服务价值,探讨了土地利用对生态服务功能的影响。结果表明:1996年深圳市生态系统服务总价值为277 597×104元,2000年为291 141×104元,2004年为254 466×104元。从1996到2004年生态系统服务价值共减少了23 131×104元,其中湿地和林地面积的减少是其主要原因。在各种土地利用类型中,林地、水体、湿地、园地产生的价值之和超过了总价值的90%。在各项服务功能中,水源涵养产生的价值最大,其次是废物处理,两者之和约占总价值的40%。从空间上来看,服务价值较高的地区主要分布在深圳市的东南和西南部,而服务价值较低的区域主要以中部为中心向周围扩散。
The evaluation of ecosystem services is conducive to clarify the ecological and environmental changes with urbanization and to provide useful references for city development planning.With Shenzhen,a city experienced rapid economic development and urbanization in the past decades,as study area,the impacts of land use change on ecosystem service values were discussed.The ecosystem service value in Shenzhen was 2775.97 million RMB in 1996,2 911.41 million yuan in 2000 and 2 544.66 million yuan in 2004 respectively,with a decrease of 231.31 million yuan from 1996 to 2004 mainly due to the decrease of woodland and wetland area.Woodland,water-body,wetland and orchard nursery contributed over 90% of the total service value among the land use types.Water supply and waste treatment were the top two service functions with high service value,contributing about 40% of the total service value.Areas with high service values are mainly located in the southeast and southwest while those with low service values around the center.The results suggest that a reasonable land use plan should be made with highlight of protecting wetland,water-body and woodland so as to balance economic and ecological goals in the future.
Journal of Natural Resources