
结构化P2P中覆盖网络拓扑匹配的研究 被引量:3

Research on Overlay Network Topology-Matching
摘要 结构化P2P系统构建虚拟的应用层覆盖网络,使得路由更有目的性。然而覆盖网络的随机构建,使其与实际物理网络极不匹配,路由在实际物理网络要走不少弯路,浪费时间而且可能造成路由失败,并造成物理网络中大量不必要的数据流量。文中提出算法试图在一定程度上解决该问题。经实验证明,此算法使覆盖网络与物理网络在一定程度上相匹配,较大的提高了路由效率。 In structured P2P( peer - to - peer) system, the virtual overlay network built on the application layer makes routing direction clear. However, the randomly built overlay network does not match the physical network, so the routing process is always time consuming, and even failed, further more, it brings much unnecessary data stream in physical network. This paper tries to describe a method to solve the problem in a certain extend. Finally, the experiment results show the algorithm designed in this paper makes the overlay network matches the physical network to some extend, and the routing efficiency is improved obviously.
出处 《微计算机应用》 2008年第6期17-22,共6页 Microcomputer Applications
基金 基金中文完整名称(基金项目号)资助
关键词 结构化 P2P 覆盖网络 物理网络 路由 匹配 structured P2P, overlay network, physical network, routing, match
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