
基于符号化模型检测的对弈必胜策略验证 被引量:1

Verifying winning strategy with symbolic model checking
摘要 在对弈的研究中,验证对弈双方是否存在必胜策略的问题一直没能很好地解决,因为这涉及到超大规模的状态空间搜索。而随着符号化模型检测技术的发展,大规模系统的验证成为了可能。给出了使用符号化模型检测来验证对弈必胜策略的一般方法,并给出了一个井字棋必胜策略验证的实例。 In the research of two-player zero-sum games,verifying whether there exists winning strategy has not been solved oroperly,sinee it refers to the search of the grand scale state space.With the development of the symbolic model checking,however, verifying large systems becomes possible.This paper presents a common method of verifying the winning strategy of games with symbolic model checking,and gives a case study of Tic-Tac-Toe.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第17期58-60,共3页 Computer Engineering and Applications
关键词 符号化模型检测 二值判定图 对弈 必胜策略 symbolic model checking BDD zero-sum games winning strategy
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