公共艺术的前提是公民社会公共艺术(Public Art)是一个舶来品,在西方没有比较统一的定义.在中国也众说纷纭。但是绝不应该将它简单地理解为在公共空间展现、供大众观看的艺术。因为如果这样理解.那么可以回溯到古代、上古时代.如希腊罗马的神庙艺术或广场雕塑.佛教、印度教的石窟艺术.甚至旧石器时代的洞穴壁画,都可以算作公共艺术.
The whole system of public art is established in the dialogue between governmental officials, artists, other experts and the public, reflecting a unity of art, academy and social judgment instead of personal will autarchy. How to treat the public shows not only a political position, but also a test to governmental administration competence. Friendly response to the public is the foundation of constructing a harmonious society.
Art China