The Environmental and Ecological Science Data Center for West China (WESTDC), sponsorea by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) , is aiming to collect, manage, integrate and disseminate environmental and ecological data for west China. The objective of the WESTDC is to build an integrated platform which has the functions of data sharing, knowledge accumulation, online scientific collaboration and data science development, and therefore provide a long-term service for multidisciplinary researches within the NSFCg “Environment and Ecological Science Program” and for the development of Earth System Science. Major data sets existing in WESTDC include remote sensing data, meteorological and hydrological data, background spatial data, scientific data of some inland river basins, data collected from individual projects, integrated data sets for west China, and customized data sets for specific hydrological or ecological models, along with data processing tools and data docu- ments. At present, WESTDC has completed the development of its integrated platform and has collected and released an amount of key ecological and environmental data sets for west China.
Advances in Earth Science