
Judd-Ofelt理论的分析与计算 被引量:5

Judd-Ofelt theory analysis and calculation
摘要 给出了Judd-Ofelt(J-O)理论模型中各参数及相关公式的理论分析,并在容易混淆的地方给出必要的推导.结合掺Er3+样品详细阐述了J-O理论的应用过程,说明了如何利用最小二乘法拟合J-O理论核心参数Ωt(t=2,4,6)的步骤,统一了各个参数的单位表达,并以表格的方式剖析了计算振子强度、自发辐射几率、荧光分支比和辐射寿命等参数的算法细节,特别指明了容易混淆的J和J′在各公式中的意义,给出了相应的数值. A clear presentation of the formulas and parameters in the Judd-Ofelt theory was given. Three intensity parameters was calculuted by the least-squares fitting method. Consequently, the algorithms of calculating the Judd-Ofeh parameters such as the oscillator strength, the spontaneous emission probability, branching ratio and radiative lifetime were discussed. Es pecially, three tables were given to make the complex algorithms be easily understood.
出处 《华东师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期109-114,共6页 Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science)
基金 上海市科学技术委员会基础重点项目(05JC14069)
关键词 JUDD-OFELT理论 稀土离子 发光 算法 Judd-Ofelt theory rare-earth ions luminescence algorithms
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