

An Improved Compression Method Based on Fractal
摘要 给出了一种在加快编码速度同时能调节图像质量的方法。首先用一种比基本分形编码方案具有更大压缩比的加速方法加速基本分形编码,得到一组基本编码。对此基本编码进行解码,得到一个解码图像。然后用原始图像与此解码图像相减得到一个差值图像,对该差值图像进行分块、量化、编码,得到一组附加码。附加码与前面得到的基本编码共同构成原图像的编码。该方法比基本分形编码方法速度快,在一定的范围内还可在提高编码速度的同时调整PSNR值与压缩倍数,使解码图像适合不同环境的需要。 The speed of basic fractal encoding is slow. Most of the accelerated algorithm will decrease the decoding image quality. To improve this condition, a novel algorithm is given. First, choosing an accelerated fractal encoding algorithm and the algorithm can get higher compression ration than the basic algorithm, encode the origininal image and get basic code. A residual image will be obtained by calculating between the original image and the decoding image of the basic code. The algorithm divide the residual image into 8 × 4 block, qualitify it by factor 12, encode the qualitify image , get the additional code. Then the additional code and the basic code constitute the image compression code. The algorithm can speed up the encoding,at the same time, it can adjust the PSNR and the compression ration easily by threshold T,so,it can expand the applied situation.
出处 《武汉大学学报(信息科学版)》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期648-651,共4页 Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University
关键词 图像压缩 分形 速度 IFS image compression fractal IFS
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