
红富士苹果树冠枝(梢)叶分布与温度、湿度的关系 被引量:38

Relationships between distribution of shoots, leaves and temperature, relative humidity in the canopy of Red Fuji apple trees
摘要 以12a生红富士苹果(Malus.domestica Borkhcv.Red Fuji)为试材,研究了北京地区树冠不同层次和部位温度、相对湿度的分布、动态变化与枝叶数量间的关系。结果表明,树冠不同层次温度从上到下逐渐降低,同一层次内温度从内膛到外围逐步增大,树冠不同层次相对湿度从上到下逐渐增大,同一层次内相对湿度从内膛到外围逐步减小;树冠温度日变化呈白天低-高-低的趋势,相对湿度的日变化呈白天高-低-高的趋势,夜晚树体温度、相对湿度趋于一致;7—8月份冠层温度、相对湿度高于5—6月份和9—10月份。应用多元统计分析的方法建立了树冠温度、相对湿度与枝(梢)叶量关系的回归方程,冠层内不同层次、部位的温度、相对湿度受冠层内枝(梢)叶数量和分布的影响,冠层内温湿度与累计长、中、短枝(梢)量和叶面积系数成线性负相关,而相对湿度与之成线性正相关。综合分析,冠层有良好温度和相对湿度的群体结构参数为生长季每hm2总枝(梢)量100万左右,叶面积系数控制在3.5~4.0,长、中、短枝(梢)比例分别为73~77、10~12和13~15。 Twelve-year-old Red Fuji apple trees were used to study the relationship between the dynamic distribution of temperature, relative humidity and the types of shoots and leaf area index in different tiers of the canopy. Results showed that the distribution of temperature in different tiers of the canopy was gradually descended from top to bottom, but increased from in- ner to outer of the canopy in the same tier, while the trend of relative humidity was reverse. The diurnal changing trend of temperature in the canopy was low to high to low, while the relative humidity was high to low to high, both of their changing trend in night were not remarkable. The temperature and relative humidity in the canopy were higher in July to August than May to June and July to August. The multiple statistic analysis was used to set up the regression equation between temperature, relative humidity and number of shoots, leaf areas index. Temperature and relative humidity in the canopy were determined by the distribution and numbers of shoots and leaf area index ; there was negative linear correlation between the canopy temperature and the number of shoots and leaf area index from top to low, and the relative humidity was on the contrary. The parameter of canopy structure for good quality and high yield of Red Fuji apple trees were obtained by comprehensive analysis, which were about 1000 000/hm: shoots with leaf area index coefficient of 3.5-4.0 and percentage proportion of long, middle and spur shoots by 73% to 77%, 10% to 12% and 11% to 13% respectively.
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期6-11,共6页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 农业部948项目(2006-G28)
关键词 苹果 树冠 枝(梢)数量 温度 相对湿度 Apple Canopy Shoots and leaves Temperature Relative humidity
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