混合物的分析在药物分析中起着重要的作用,而NMR是混合物分析的重要手段之一.本文利用HPLC对七叶皂苷钠混合物中的主要成分A、B、C、D的相对含量进行了测定,并应用谱带选择性2D CT-HMBC及多种2D NMR实验方法,对这些主要成分的波谱学特征进行了分析,利用各组分的特征谱峰和选择性2D方法的高分辨率对结构相似的成分的谱峰进行了精确的区分和指认,进而对所有的1H、13C NMR信号进行了归属.实验结果表明利用选择性2D NMR技术能够有利于混合物的分析和谱峰归属.
Analysis of mixture is important in pharmaceutical studies, in which NMR can be a very useful method. In present study, the relative concentrations of aescin A, B, C and D in the mixture of sodium aescinate were determined with HPLC. 1H and 13C NMR characteristics of these compounds were analyzed using band-selective 2D constant-time HMBC and other 2D NMR methods. The high resolution provided by the band-selective constant-time 2D experiment made correct assignments of almost overlapped resonant peaks from compounds with similar structures possible. The results of this study suggest that selective 2D NMR techniques can be used to facilitate the analysis of mixture.
Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance