
第四纪加积型红土与黄土的风成相似性探讨 被引量:28

Aeolian-genesis comparability of aggraded red earth in south China with loess in north China
摘要 粒度分析表明,第四纪加积型红土的粒度组成特征与黄土相似,其粒度组成以50μm以下的粉沙和粘土组分为主,并且10~50μm的风尘基本组分含量与黄土类似,该类型红土粒度组成存在明显的由北向南粘粒含量增加的空间变化规律;粒度组成的频率曲线研究表明,第四纪加积型红土主要呈现双峰和多峰的特征,表明其搬运营力的多元性,与西风区黄土类似;该类红土的稀土元素丰度以及Sr、Nd同位素组成也与北方风尘沉积相似。因此提出该类红土可称之为加积型红土,它与北方风成沉积存在风成相似性。 The Quaternary red earth covers the ground of the tropic and of the layers of the isotropic red earth, reticulated red earth and gravel several ten meters. This kind of red earth was called as the Quaternary sub-tropic zones in south China, consisting with the thickness from several meters to aggraded red earth. This paper was devel- oped to research the aeolian-genesis similarity of the Quaternary red earth in north The granularity of the Quaternary aggraded red earth and loess was examined with China with loess in north China. Watersizer 2000, their REE and isotopes were examined by ICP - MASS and by TIMS. The Quaternary aggraded red earth mostly composed with the sediment of 〈 50 μm in diameter, whose dominant components are in our study area is clay'and silt. Its 〈 50 μm components are easy to partition two different dominant parts, one is 5 - 10 μm part and the other 10 - 50 μm part. The analysis of granularity of the Quaternary tics are similar to ones of loess, stating that its genesis aggraded red earth indicated that its component characterisis related with that of loess. The studies of loess itself and its wind tunnel experiment have proved that the material of granularity section of 10 - 50 μm was carried by the winter monsoon which was from short- distance away and very close to the ground. The one of granularity section of 5 - 10 μm was carried by the westerly from a long-distance away and deposited with rain. These two parts also make the granularity frequency curves present two peaks in the mass. Along the dominant components, the granularity become fine sometimes and coarse sometime in the area where we have studied. These prompt that the red earth sediment was carried by two kinds of wind. One was the Monsoon, which took the 5 - 10 μm sediment, the other was the westerly, which carried 10 -50 μm sediment. The red earth' s crntents of REE and the isotopes of Sr, Nd were analyzed, which are similar to ones of loess. The 〈 50 μm sediment was considered to be carried by wind, and the contents of REE and isotopes of Sr, Nd were hard to change on the way along that the dust was carried and deposited by wind. So, from the two aspects, we extrapolated that the Quaternary red earth is with same aeolian-genesis comparability between it and the loess.
出处 《干旱区地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期341-347,共7页 Arid Land Geography
基金 国家自然科学基金(40571067) 浙江省自然基金(X506313)资助
关键词 第四纪红土 红土与黄土 粒度特征 Quaternary red earth loess granularity characteristics
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