Objective To study therapeutic efficacy and change of pulmonary function of the treatment for bronchial asthma with Bricasol aerosol. Methods There were 32 patients in periods of onset of bronchial asthma. 16 were male, the rest 16 were female. Patients breathed in 2 spray of Brlcasol aerosol (0. 5 mg) after taking a rest of 10-15 minutes,each spray had a interval of 0.5 minutes. Then to observe the change of pulmonary function of pre-treatment and 1 minutes and 5 minutes and 15 minutes post-treatment. Results The FEV1.0 of 1 minutes,5 minutes, 15 minutes post-treatment and V75 of 5 minutes, 15 minutes post-treatment increase significantly than that pre-treatment of the male and female groups. The PEFR of 1 minutes,5 minutes, 15 minutes post-treatment of female group and 5 minutes, 15 minutes post-treatment of male group increased significant than that pre-treatment. The FVC of 1 minutes ,5 minutes, 15 minutes post-treatment of female group increased significant than that pro-treatment. The symptom of wheeze of all the patients had significant relieve,and the wheezing rale decreased significant with stethoscopy. The symptom of wheeze got the most relieve at 15 minutes post-treatment. Conclusion The pulmonary function of patient with bronchial asthma increased significant after treatment with Bricasol aerosol. The therapeutic efficacy is good and rapid. The Bricasol aerosol is the ideal bronchodilators.
China Practical Medicine