
面向协同式森林灭火决策的领域本体构建及其解析 被引量:4

Research on Domain Ontology Constructing and Parsing for Collaborative Forest Fighting Decision
摘要 森林灭火决策的参与人员可能来自不同的组织、不同领域,他们有不同知识结构、专业背景、学识和各自的经验、偏好,这往往不利于决策过程中的交流、协同进行。本文把本体引入协同式森林灭火决策中,解决决策成员在协作中对他人所述的内容理解一致问题。分析了现有建立领域本体的主要方法,并借鉴软件开发的生命周期理论,提出建立面向森林火灾的领域本体的具体实现方法。以森林灭火决策为应用导向,通过对森林灭火决策的内容分析及与领域专家相互交流,根据领域中概念分类体系和概念的组合结构,从相关领域(林业、气象学、消防工程、地理学)抽象出概念术语集、关系集、函数集、规则集等,建立可共享、理解、重用、互操作的概念模型;利用本体建模工具,建立森林灭火本体库;设计与实现了本体的解析与可视化工具,用户可以交互式的查询术语的概念内涵,利用可视化工具,显示概念之间的关系。研究成果将为学科或领域间的高效协作打下通信与交流的基础,为林业、消防的信息化研究、林火本体服务提供可借鉴的框架和成果,为林火管理和应急指挥决策提供一个语义层级次上的重要途径。 Collaborative Forest Fire Fighting Decision-Making experts may come from different organizations or different fields, having different knowledge structure and preferences, which gravely hinders the effective communication in the decision-making group. In this paper, ontology was introduced in Collaborative Forest Fire Fighting Decision-Making to solve semanteme compatibility during collaborative decision-making procedure. The prevalent construction methods of domain ontology were analyzed. According to the accomplished methods and in light of engineering method and life cycle was presented, which includes fighting approach in software development, the construction method of forest fire ontology three phases of specification, conceptualization and formalization. Taking forest fire decision-making application as an orientation, according to the analysis of decision-making content and the discussion among domain experts, based on the classification system and combined structure of conception, model- ing primitives including concepts, relations, functions, rules, etc were abstracted from relative fields such as for- estry, meteorology, fire fighting, and geography, and shareable, comprehensible, reusable, and conception mod- els were built. Forest fire fighting domain ontology was built with ontology modeling tools. Parsing and visualization tool of ontology was designed and developed, Semantic Network Graphic and tree diagram visualization approaches were applied to the tool, with which users can display the relationship of conceptions ( such as the inheritance rela- tionship, the relationship of classes and instance and the relationship of classes and property et al. ) by realistic visualization fashion and query connotation of them. The result of research serves as a basis for the communication between different disciplines or domains for effective cooperation. That would provide a reference for study on forestry and fire fighting informatization, would provide an important way in semantic level for forest fire management and the emergency demand decision-making.
出处 《地球信息科学》 CSCD 2008年第3期344-349,共6页 Geo-information Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30671680) 国家863计划专题课题(2007AA10Z227) 福建省科技计划重点项目(2005H086、2006H0022)
关键词 森林灭火 协同决策 领域本体 解析 可视化 forest fire fighting collaborative decision domain ontology parse visualization
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