目的建立尿液中丁丙诺啡GC/NPD分析方法。方法尿液中添加丁丙诺啡,加β-葡萄糖醛酸酶溶液0.15 ml,50℃水解2 h,加入内标长春西汀,加pH7缓冲溶液,用三氯甲烷提取,提取物经BSTFA衍生化后进行GC/NPD分析。结果方法的线性范围为5-100μg/L,检出限为1μg/L。结论该方法灵敏度高,可用于涉毒案件尿液中丁丙诺啡的分析。
Objective A method has been developed to determine buprenorphine in urine by gas chromatography/nitrogen-phosphorus detector. Methods After hydrolysis with -glucuronidase in 50℃ water bath for 2 h, the urine samples were spiked with vinpocetine ( internal standard) and pH7 buffer solution, and then extracted with chloroform. The extracts were derived with N, O-bis(trimethylsilyl) trifluoroacetamide and determined by gas chromatography with a nitrogen phosphorus detector. Results The detection limit and linear range of analysts in plasma were 1 μg,/L and 5 - 100μg/L respectively. Conclusion The method was sensitive enough to be applied to the forensic identification.
Chinese Journal of Modern Drug Application