The management of medical record data includes the collection, storage, display, process and use of the medical record data. There are some basic problems in the developing of medical record management system, because of the multifamily of the patient information and the complexity of the content of the medical record, and also data presentation and storage. Therefore, it is very hard to design a uniform structure in describing the contents of the medical record. The thesis discusses on the designing and implementing a medical record management system based on XML to solve the basic problem, using the characteristic of XML, eg., its multilayer method in structure describing, its expression ability, its self- defining, style sheet, etc. Based on practicing, the thesis discusses the design and implementation of the MR management system based on XML. The thesis discusses the development states, the basic problems of the medical record management system and the idea of the medical record system based on XML first, and then designed and implemented the medical record system based on XML after analyses.
Chinese Medical Record