
异质叙事与同质叙事的分野:嵌入叙事的二分法研究论略 被引量:4

The Demarcation Between Heterodiegesis and Homodiegesis:On Two Types of Embedded Narratives
摘要 嵌入叙事作为叙事理论领域一道独特的批评景观,引领无数学者竞相对其展开多维研究。本文首先探讨了西方叙事学界关于嵌入叙事的三分法:叙事功能、叙述者、叙事功能和叙述者的两相结合。但是,三分法具有明显的局限性和反效果:不仅术语混乱,体系繁杂,而且还背离了嵌入叙事研究的方向。与嵌入叙事的三分法相左,本文试图以叙事内容为参照范式,结合传统叙事作品和后现代叙事作品,提出嵌入叙事的二分法:异质叙事(不同故事内容的嵌入叙事)、同质叙事(相同故事内容的嵌入叙事),并由此窥探嵌入叙事在文学创作历程中的演变、成因及阐释空间,旨在彰显嵌入叙事的丰富内涵、挖掘其独特的艺术魅力。 As a distinctive phenomenon of narrative studies, embedded narratives arrest a large amount of scholarly concern. This paper, first of all, elaborates on three criteria put forth by western narratologists to approach embedded narratives : narrative function, narrator, and the combination of the two. However, this approach goes astray from the orientation of embedded narrative studies. In contrast to the three criteria above, this paper, based upon the story that the embedded narratives entail, intends to classify embedded narratives into two categories: heterodiegesis (different stories entailed), and homodiegesis (the same story entailed), so as to further display the artistic features of this particular narrative technique.
作者 尚必武
出处 《西安外国语大学学报》 2008年第2期35-39,共5页 Journal of Xi’an International Studies University
关键词 叙事学 嵌入叙事 异质叙事 同质叙事 narratology embedded narratives heterodiegesis homodiegesis
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