
酚醛树脂中亚甲基对热降解的影响 被引量:13

摘要 将固化后的酚醛树脂在不同温度下进行热处理,对固化后的样品进行热重分析,对热处理后的试样进行傅立叶红外光谱分析.实验结果表明,酚醛树脂的热降解与亚甲基的取代位有关.酚醛树脂中的亚甲基分两个阶段进行热解降,350~450%的温度区间主要是部分邻-邻(0-0’)位亚甲基和邻.对(o-p)位亚甲基的分解,400~620%温度区间为对-对(p-p’)位亚甲基的分解,p-p’位亚甲基比o-o’位亚甲基的起始热分解温度高50%左右. The phenolic resin was synthesized by condensation of formaldehyde and phenol, with a molar ratio of 1.2,in aqueous solutions containing ammonia at 90℃ for 1.5 h under vacuum dehydration. The synthesized resin was cured at 170℃ for 3 h and then characterized by using TG under nitrogen. The cured resin was heat-treated at 300,350,400,450,500,550 and 600℃ ,respectively and then characterized with FTIR. In the FTIR spectra of the cured samples,the absorption bands of the methylene groups for orth-orth (o-o'), orth-para (o-p) and para-para (p-p') substituents were at 1437 - 1440 cm^-1, 1452 - 1456 cm^-1 and 1473- 1477 cm^-1, respectively. The variations of the individual absorbance with heat-treatment temperature were compared in terms of the relative absorbance, i. e. Ix/I1610, where I1610 is the absorbance of aromatic ring backbone stretching at 1610 cm^-1 The experimental results show that the thermal degradation of the phenolic resin is significantly related to the substitution position of the methylene groups. The para-substitution of methylene groups was suddenly transferred to the orth-one in some content during the condensation. Otherwise, in the cured process, para-substitution was prior formed because its activity is higher than that of the ortho-one. According to the TG and FTIR spectra, the decomposition process of methylene groups could be divided into two stages. The bond cleavages of o-o' and p-p' substituents occurred at 350 - 450℃ and 400 - 620℃, respectively. It means the o-o' substituent is thermally unstable and then partially cyclized to form xanthene by intramolecular etherification. Also, the benzylic-bonded keto- intermediates could be formed through keto-enol tantomerism. The benzylic bond energy in the keto-form is at least 168 kJ/mol less than that of the original aromatic structure. Therefore, at higher temperatures,the o-o' substituent of the methylene groups was prior decomposed. For the p-p' substituents, the hydroxyl groups are distant form each other, and the benzylic-bonded keto-intermediate formation is hindered. Finally, the decomposition temperature is higher than that of the o-o' substituents.
出处 《高分子学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期399-404,共6页 Acta Polymerica Sinica
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划,项目号2006CB600903)资助项目
关键词 酚醛树脂 热处理 热降解 亚甲基的取代位 Phenolic resin, Substitution position of methylene group, Heat treatment, Thermal degradation
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