
钢筋混凝土结构抗震性能的设计谱曲线 被引量:2

Design spectrum curve of seismic performance for reinforced concrete structure
摘要 基于性能的结构抗震设计正处于研究发展阶段,提出一种方法以适应当前需要。以我国现行的建筑抗震设计规范为基础,在设计中同时考虑地震作用以及结构侧移,得出结构等效单自由度体系的设计谱曲线,并由此求得结构在不同地震水准情况下的性能,检查其是否满足设计要求。结构设计完成后,可进行结构的弹塑性静力分析,全面复核结构性能。 The performance-based seismic design of structure is in a research and development situation. A method is put forward to adapt the present demand. This method is based on the domestic current code for seismic design of buildings. In design process, the earthquake action and lateral displacement are considered, and thus the design spectrum curve for equivalent single degree of freedom system is established. From this the performances of structure at different earthquake levels are obtained, and the design requirements must be satisfied. After accomplishment of design, an elasto-plastic static analysis of structure may be conducted to fully examine the performance.
出处 《建筑结构》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期49-54,共6页 Building Structure
基金 国家自然科学基金资助(50678146)
关键词 基于性能的抗震设计 地震作用 侧移变形 设计谱曲线 performance-based seismic design earthquake action lateral displacement design spectrum curve
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