Since the late 1980s, Algeria has suffered extensively from internal strife and civil war. The unprecedented catastrophe enkindled by Islamic fundamentalist forces has claimed over 100,000 innocent lives. Entering the new millennium, Algeria had at one time made some marked progress in internal reconciliation. But over the last two years, the country's security situation again worsened with frequent terrorist attacks. The total number of casualties from the terrorist bombings in the capital Algiers on April 11 and Dec. 11 of 2007 reached nearly 300, arousing great concern from the international community. The turbulence and instability in Algeria's security situation to a certain extent reflects the protracted nature, arduousness and complexity of the struggle between the government and people of Algeria and Islamic fundamentalist forces. This article tries to follow the growth trail of Algeria's Islamic fundamentalist forces by analyzing their history and the status quo.
Arab World Studies