
氮氧混合气体平衡态电弧的微观模型研究 被引量:2

Microscopic Model of Thermal Equilibrium Arc in Nitrogen and Oxygen Mixture
摘要 氮气是开关电器的各类保护性气体中比较常见的一种,以其化学稳定性好、性价比高而得到广泛应用。但即使是高纯氮气也不可避免含有其他杂质气体,其中部分气体会对氮气气氛下的电弧产生较大的影响,从而影响触头灭弧和侵蚀特性。笔者针对高纯氮气中混有部分氧气的情况建立了热平衡态电弧微观模型,对电弧微观参数进行了计算,并改变N和O元素的比例来分析氧气的影响,得到了一些有用的结论。 Nitrogen is one of the popular protective gases in switches with good chemical stability and high performance-cost ratio. Some trace gas impurities in nitrogen have obvious influence on arc, resulting in the changes of arc quenching properties and erosion characteristics of contacts. This paper proposes a microscopic model of thermal equilibrium arc burning in mixture of nitrogen and oxygen, and calculates the microscopic parameters of arc with this model. The influence of oxygen on arc is investigated by changing the ratio of nitrogen to oxygen, and the result is analyzed.
出处 《高压电器》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期197-199,202,共4页 High Voltage Apparatus
关键词 氮气 氧气 杂质 电弧 微观模型 nitrogen oxygen impurity Arc microscopic model
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