
一种非接触式微加速度开关的研究 被引量:5

Research of Micromachined Acceleration Switch Based on Contactless Configuration
摘要 典型的微加速度开关至少包含一个电接触,当阈值加速度值达到时,该开关将闭合。一般为金属接触,比如金。但金属接触可能存在许多问题,如微焊接、电弧、氧化,这些问题可能导致开关工作失灵。鉴于此,本文介绍了一种低驱动电压的非接触式微加速度开关(阈值为5gn)的设计理论、研究方法和主要加工工艺步骤,同时对非接触式微加速度开关结构的力电耦合进行理论计算,结合ANSYS软件仿真分析验证。 Typical acceleration micro-switches have contained more than one electrical contact. The contacts are designed to close when the threshold acceleration value is detected. The contacts are formed with a metal, such as gold. However, there are problems of metal contacts in the use of micro switches, such as microwelding, arcing, and oxidation. These problems may make fail operation of the switch. This paper introduces the fundamental design theory, methods and primary fabricated process of a contactless microswitch, and discusses the coupling of the impact force and electrostatic force. The result is proved through ANSYS software.
出处 《传感技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期664-666,共3页 Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators
基金 国家自然科学基金资助(50775209 E052502)
关键词 微加速度开关 非接触式 低驱动电压 力电耦合分析 acceleration micro switches contactless low actuation voltage coupling between electrostatic force and mechanical force
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