
应用无机活性元素敷料治疗老年人术后难愈性创面溃疡的初步报告 被引量:1

Primary report on bad wound cicatrization canker after cancer operation in the elderly patients with inorganic active element dressing treatment
摘要 目的:观察无机活性元素敷料在老年患者难愈性创面溃疡修复中对皮肤创面愈合的作用。方法:收集3年中我科70岁以上老年患者术后出现创面愈合困难病例5例,接受无机活性元素敷料10mg/cm2治疗,观察治疗5d、10d创面愈合情况,计算10d后创面愈合缩小率。结果:治疗5d时即出现创面愈合过程,10d时达到创面缩小率为83.2%。结论:无机活性元素敷料在老年患者皮肤损伤修复中,对皮肤创面有明显的促进愈合作用。 Objective: To investigate the effect of inorganic active element dressing on bad wound cicatrization canker after cancer operation in the elderly patients. Methods: 5 cases with bad wound cicatrization canker after cancer operation had been collected in the last 3 years and they were treated with inorganic active element dressing 10mg/cm^2. Observe the wound on the 5th and the 10th day ,and count the reduce rate of area. Results: The process of cicatrization were observed on the 5th day and the reduction rate of area reached 83.2 % on the 10th day. Conclusion: Inorganic active element dressing has accelerative effect on bad wound cicatrization canker in the elderly patients.
出处 《中华老年口腔医学杂志》 2008年第1期21-23,27,共4页 Chinese Journal of Geriatric Dentistry
基金 安徽省重点科研项目(03021009) 安徽省国际科技合作重点项目(04088009) 安徽省科技攻关项目(06013131B)
关键词 无机活性元素 难愈性 溃疡 老年人 inorganic active element bad wound cicatrisation ulcer aged
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