Web 2.0时代为客户关系管理CRM带来了新的发展空间,软件即服务、按需服务模式的流行更加速了CRM的发展,不同行业、不同规模的企业在实施CRM时有了更多的选择方案。在介绍Web 2.0特点的基础上,阐述了其对CRM的重要性,详细说明了按需服务CRM的特征,并给出了四种最流行的企业CRM解决方案的选择模式,分析了各自的优势和劣势,为企业的CRM选型提供了参考;同时还指出了当前CRM面临的挑战,为CRM的发展提供了借鉴。
With the coming of Web 2.0, the growth of on demand or Software- as - a- Service has fueled the development of CRM. Organizations of all types and sizes have more options to fit their CRM requirements. This paper provides an overview of Web 2.0 and its importance to CRM, presents a detailed description of the features of on demand CRM solution, then describes and analyzes the four most popular CRM deployment scenarios which may matches the business needs of different enterprises. It also points out the challenges which CRM has to face.
Information Science