
网格环境下动态编程模型研究 被引量:4

Research on Dynamic Programming Models Under the Grid Environment
摘要 论文通过对OGSA体系结构的研究,对网格环境下的编程进行了探索,利用Web Services对网格环境下传统的分布式软件资源进行封装,尽可能自动化地把异构的软件资源提供的服务封装为Web服务,把这些对外提供Web服务的构件组装为一个新的服务。从构件角度出发来看,这实际上也是一个复合构件,这个系统对外也以Web服务的方式提供服务。随着网格环境下服务数量的快速增长,如何自动地根据服务请求进行服务的动态组合,已成为一个迫切需要解决的问题。论文通过分析原有Web服务组合的特点,提出了基于关键字匹配的动态编程模型,根据用户需求的实时变化,方便用户编程。 OGSA(Open Grid Services Architecture) is called the next generation grid architecture. We study the architecture of OGSA,and program a grid service in the grid environment. How to wrap the conventional distributed software components by using Web Services, wrap the services provided by the isomerous components as automatically as possible, we make the users to visibly realize their business logical framework and integrate the WS component. From the angle of component, this system is exactly a multiple component,which provides services to external users in the Web Service mode. With the growing number of Web Services, it is necessary to compose the existing Web Services dynamically according to the service requests. A dynamic composition service method is proposed based on keywords, according to the real-time user demand changes, to promote user programming. Through analyzing the characteristics of primal Web Services composition we propose a dynamic programming model based on key word matching.
出处 《计算机工程与科学》 CSCD 2008年第6期155-158,共4页 Computer Engineering & Science
基金 湖南省教育厅基金资助项目(07C270)
关键词 OGSA WEB Services网格计算 构件 动态编程模型 OGSA Web Services grid computing component dynamic programing model
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