1[1]转引自:Paul Galbraith and Kris Anstrom.Peer coaching:An effective staff development model for educators of linguistically and culturally diverse students.Directions in Language & Education National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education.vol.1,no.3,Spring 1995.
2[1]Meyer,Jon'a and Tara Gray."Peer Coaching:An Inuovation in Teaching."Teaching in the Community Colleges(Electronic)Journal,1(3).1996.
4Beverly Showers and Bruce Joyce (1996).The Evolution of Peer Coaching [J].Educational Leadership,53 (6): 12-16.
5Meyer, Jon'a and Tara Gray.Peer Coaching:An Innovation in Teaching[EB/OL ]. <http ://kolea.kcc.hawaii.edu/tcc/tcc conf96/m eyer.html,2008 -04-22.>
6Paul Galbraith and Kris Anstrom.Peer coaching:An effective staff development model for educators of linguistically and culturally diverse students[EB/OL].<http://www.ncela.gwu.edu/pubs/directions/03 .htm, 2008-04-22.>