

An Investigation of English Vocabulary for Non-English Major College Students
摘要 对地方普通高校非英语专业大一、大二阶段大学生英语词汇水平的实践研究表明:1、学生总体词汇水平基本符合大纲要求;2、从大一到大二阶段学生词汇量呈显著性增长;3、女生词汇量显著高于男生,但二者增幅相近;4、性别与词汇水平呈微弱相关。这些说明当前大学英语教学方法等全方位改革对学生英语词汇水平促进带来良性效应,也表明针对大学生个性差异加强英语词汇学习方面计划、策略等的指导将有助于促进其词汇水平的持续稳定增长。 The results of the investigation on college English identifiable vocabulary proficiency of non-English major students in the 1st and 2nd college years show that: 1)Their overall vocabulary level accord with syllabus requirements; 2)Their vocabulary increased significantly from the 1st year to the 2nd; 3) Female students' vocabulary level is significantly higher than male students, but both have similar progressive scale in band 1-4 vocabulary; 4) The correlation between sex and vocabulary is not so distinct. The result reveals the tx)sitive effects that current reforms on College English Teaching have brought about and show that varied instructions on vocabulary based on individual difference contribute to its stable increase.
作者 陈蓓
出处 《太原大学学报》 2008年第2期111-114,共4页 Journal of Taiyuan University
关键词 大学英语 词汇水平 领会词汇 college English vocabulary proficiency identifiable vocabulary
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