本文首先介绍了流媒体技术的基本原理及其关键的技术,然后重点介绍了在开发和建立黑龙江省经济信息网站过程中,采用同一操作系统Windows平台技术内嵌的Windows Media技术。设计了一个基于Internet的宽带流媒体视频直播、点播应用系统。对其中的技术方案,工作实例及经验都做了较详细的阐述。
In this paper, on the streaming media technology and the basic principles of key technologies, and then focuses on This paper introduces the development and establishment the economic information website of Heilongjiang province based, on the embedded Windows Media technology. Design of an Internet based broadband streaming video live, on demand applications. On the technical programmes, examples of the work and experience have done indetail.
Techniques of Automation and Applications