

Construction of Atlas about Relationships among Genes in Gene Network and Its Application
摘要 尽快破解基因组所包含基因的功能是一项费力但又很重要的工作。一个基因功能的实现依赖于该基因与其它基因间的相互作用。基因网络是一组基因的集合体,这些基因通过相互协作来控制生物体重要的生命过程。通过基因敲除、RNA干扰或其它方法改变基因网络中某个基因的表达水平,将会引起该网络中其它基因表达水平的变化。而这种变化可以方便地通过基因表达差异显示技术检测相应mRNA含量变化来反映。因此,将这两类方法组合在一起,可以在基因组水平上有效地检测出基因网络中的基因关系。这种策略对基因功能研究方法是一个重要补充。 To interpret quickly the functions of genes contained in the genome is an arduous but important task. The fulfiUment of a gene's fimction is dependent on its interaction with other genes. Gene network is a group of genes fimcfioning in a coordinated manner to control vital processes in an organism. Thus, knocking out a gene, blocking the expression of a gene by RNA interfering technique and altering the expression level of a gene contained in a gene network by other methods may cause changes in other genes expression, which can be easily detected by changes in the amount of rnRNA being transcribed from the DNA sequences of genes by differential expression display techniques. Therefore, combination of these two categories of techniques can be used sueeessfully to detect relationships among genes in a gene network in genome scale. This strategy will be a good complement to other methods in gene function research.
出处 《生物信息学》 2008年第2期75-79,共5页 Chinese Journal of Bioinformatics
关键词 基因网络 基因组 关系 图谱 gene network genome relationship atlas
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