
手机造型特征对意象认知影响的研究 被引量:5

Study of the Influence of Handset Modeling Characteristics on Image Cognition
摘要 以感性工学为理论基础,运用问卷调查与统计分析方法,探讨手机造型特征对人的意象认知的影响。根据研究的感性语意对应的造型要素项目权重值及类目效用值,设计师根据目标消费者选择的理想感性语意,便可得到对应感性语意的手机造型要素,进而导向新产品造型设计的研发。 The influence of handset modeling characteristics on people "s image cognition was studied based on the theory of Kansei engineering, and using questionnaire and statistical analysis. According to the results, designers can get the corresponding handsetg modeling characteristics which most fit the ideal Kansei image chosen by the consumers. Itg a new way of directing the development of new products'modeling design.
机构地区 江南大学
出处 《包装工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期174-176,190,共4页 Packaging Engineering
基金 2007江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目(N-268)
关键词 手机 造型特征 意象认知 感性工学 handset modeling characteristics image cognition Kansei engineering
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