
黑龙江茴鱼(Thymallus arcticus grubei Dybowski)精子活力的观察 被引量:16

Observation the sperm motility of Amur Grayling
摘要 用BSS和水两种激活剂对黑龙江茴鱼精子活力进行测定,并在4℃和14℃(室温)条件下,对精原液和用ASP稀释的精液分别进行保存试验。试验结果显示,用BSS和水均可激活黑龙江茴鱼精子,其精子活率分别可达100%和98%。14℃条件下,用BSS激活黑龙江茴鱼精子平均寿命为72.1 s,A级(快速)运动时间平均为14.1 s;用水激活精子平均寿命为67.2 s,A级运动时间平均为12.5 s。不同温度保存的精子寿命和快速运动时间也有显著差异:精原液4℃保存2h后精子失去A级运动,其激活率在70%以上,保存6h后激活率小于20%;精原液14℃保存1.5h后精子失去A级运动,其激活率大于70%,4h后激活率小于20%。经ASP(pH分别为7.0、7.8、8.0、8.5、9.0)稀释的精液,在4℃和14℃条件下,BSS和water对精子的激活率均小于20%,且精子均呈现C、D级运动,1.5h后各保存组激活率为0。试验结果表明,BSS对黑龙江茴鱼的精子有良好的激活效果;精原液4℃保存效果好于14℃,在4℃保存条件下2h以内使用,可以得到理想的结果;精液不宜用ASP稀释保存。 The sperm motility of Amur grayling were measured by BSS and water in temperature of 4℃ and 14℃ (room temperature), preserved the sperm and diluted sperm by ASP for experiment. The results showed that the spermatozoa of Amur grayling could be activated by BSS and water, the motility rate were 100% - 98% respectively. At 14℃, the average life of the spermatozoa of Amur grayling was 72. ls, the average movement time of A degree ( quick movement) was 14. ls by BSS; the average life of the spermatozoa of Amur grayling was 67.2s, the average movement time of A degree was 12.5s by water. The spermatozoa that conserved in different temperature had significant deviation in average life and quick movement time: the sperms which were preserved for 2 hours in 4℃ have lost A degree movement and motility rate was more than 70% ; the motility rate of sperms which were preserved for 6 hours was less than 20%. The sperms preserved in 14℃, would lost A degree movement after 1.5 hours and the motility rate was more than 70%, 4 hours later, the motility rate was less than 20%. Preserved in ASP( pH was 7.0,7.8,8.0,8.5,9.0) , under the temperature of 4℃ and 14℃, the motility rate of sperms which was either activited by BSS or water was less than 20%, and the spermatozoa showed the movement of C and D degree, the motility rate of every preserving group was 0 after 1.5 hours. The results indicated that, BSS had a better activing effect than water on the Amur graying; Preserving effect in 4℃ was significant better than in 14℃ , in order to get a ideal effect the sperm which was not diluted were preserved in 4℃ and used within 2 hours. ASP was not suitable to store the spermatozoa of Amur graying.
出处 《水产学杂志》 CAS 2008年第1期9-14,共6页 Chinese Journal of Fisheries
关键词 黑龙江茴鱼 精子活力 激活剂 保存 Amur grayling ( Thymallus arcticus grubei Dybowski ) spermatozoa activator preserve
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