
应用多元PCR技术对我国红火蚁社会型的鉴定 被引量:18

Social forms of Solenopsis invicta in China,as identified by multiplex PCR of Gp-9 alleles
摘要 红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren蚁群存在着单后型和多后型。不同型的红火蚁在行为及生态上存在着较大的差异,因此社会型的鉴别是一个地区制定正确的红火蚁监控技术的关键步骤。本文利用多元PCR技术首次对采自我国4省16个县(市、区)的120个红火蚁蚁群的社会型进行了鉴别。结果表明:我国的红火蚁多后型与单后型共存,但以多后型为主。多后型与单后型的比约为4∶1(97∶23),但会因地区的不同而异:如广东多后型与单后型的比例最低,约为3∶1(66∶20),而广西的多后型与单后型的比为7∶1(21∶3)。最后,根据我国红火蚁的发生危害情况对这些结果进行了讨论。 There are monogynous and polygynous colonies in the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), which are highly associated with the variations in their behavior and ecology. Investigating and understanding the social forms of S. invicta colonies were therefore an important step to develop a sound monitoring and controlling program for the pest in a given area. In this study, fire ant workers collected in 16 counties of 4 provinces in China's Mainland were tested by discriminating Gp-9sb alleles with multiplex PCR technique. The results showed that both monogyne and polygyne were presented in China's Mainland, but with polygynes dominant. The ratio of polygynous to monogynous colonies was 97:23 (4 :1 ) in the 120 fire ant colonies collected and tested, but differed as location varied. The ratio of polygynes to monogynes in Guangdong province was 66:20 (3:1), whereas that in Guangxi province was 21:3 (7:1). Finally, significances of these results were discussed based on the fire ant spreading situation in China's Mainland and previous published findings.
出处 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期551-555,共5页 Acta Entomologica Sinica
基金 国家科技支撑课题(2005BA529A06) 国家科研院所研究专项(2005DIB4J034) 农业部财政专项(2130108)
关键词 红火蚁 社会型 单后型 多后型 Gp-9等位基因 Solenopsis invicta social form monogyne polygyne Gp-9 alleles
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