
早产儿及其母亲体内钙 铁 镁含量的研究 被引量:5

Calcium,iron and magnesium levels in pretem infants and their mothers
摘要 目的研究早产儿母亲孕前孕期钙、铁、镁摄入情况,早产儿及其母亲体内钙、铁、镁含量,从早产儿的营养影响因素方面初步探讨早产的发病机制,并为预防早产提供依据。方法选取严格配对的病例和对照共240例作为研究对象,对母亲怀孕前和怀孕期间钙、铁、镁的摄入情况进行膳食调查,ICP-OES法对血浆、羊水、胎盘、母乳、胎粪多种生物样本中钙、铁、镁的水平进行检测和统计分析。结果怀孕期间,早产儿母亲铁和镁的摄入量亦均显著低于足月儿母亲(P<0.05),怀孕前铁和钙的摄入量亦均显著低于足月儿母亲(P<0.05)。多元方差分析结果显示早产儿母亲体内的钙、铁含量显著低于足月儿母亲(P<0.05);早产儿体内铁、镁含量明显低于足月儿(P<0.05)。母亲和新生儿的血浆钙、铁和镁水平都呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。结论早产儿母亲体内钙、铁含量低于足月儿母亲,早产儿体内的铁、镁含量低于足月儿。有关反映钙、铁和镁含量的指标与母亲在孕前孕期摄入情况的关系还有待进一步研究。 Objective To investigate calcium, iron and magnesium intakes of preterm infants' mothers before and during pregnancy and calcium, iron and magnesium levels of preterm infants and their mothers in order to provide basis for studying the effect of nutritional factors on the occurrence of prematurity. Methods Two hundred and forty matched cases ( preterm infants and their mothers) and controls (term infants and their mothers) were recruited. A nutritional survey of calcium, iron and magnesium intakes was performed in the mothers before and during pregnancy. Calcium, iron and magnesium levels in maternal plasma and in cord blood, placenta, breast milk, meeonium, and amniotic fluid were measured with axial view inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Results Iron and magnesium intakes in preterm infants' mothers were significantly less than those in term infants' mothers before pregnancy (P 〈0.05 ). Iron and calcium intakes in preterm infants' mothers were also significantly less than those in term infants' mothers during pregnancy ( P 〈 0.05 ). Multivariate analysis of variance showed that iron and calcium levels of preterm infants' mothers were significantly lower than those of term infants' mothers ( P 〈 0.05 ). The preterm infants showed significantly lower iron and magnesium levels than term infants ( P 〈 0.05 ). Plasma levels of calcium, iron and magnesium in infants were positively correlated to maternal plasma levels of calcium, iron and magnesium ( r = 0.517, 0. 622, 0.518, respectively; P 〈 0.05 ). Conduslons The iron and calcium levels of preterm infants' mothers were lower than those of term infants' mothers, and the iron and magnesium levels of preterm infants were lower than those of term infants. The exact relationship between calcium, iron and magnesium levels and intakes before and during pregnancy needs to be explored further.
出处 《中国当代儿科杂志》 CAS CSCD 2008年第3期349-352,共4页 Chinese Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics
基金 国际铜业协会ICA资助项目[(2004)AS-03-01]
关键词 婴儿 早产 Calcium Iron Magnesium Infant, preterm
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