
基于Brook在GPU的应用 被引量:2

Application of GPU Based on Brook
摘要 依据现代GPU在通用计算方面的功能,提出了基于Brook在GPU上执行通用计算的实现方法,运用图像分割、快速傅立叶算法和光线跟踪3个应用对该方法进行了评估。评估结果表明GPU在Brook环境下通用计算能力优于CPU。 According to the capability of modern GPU (Graphics Process Unit) in general computing, this paper brings forward a Brook-based implementation method about processing general computing in GPU. Then, it evaluates the method through three applications:picture partition, FFT algorithm implementation and ray tracking. The result shows that under the Brook environment GPU owns a higher general computing capability than CPU.
出处 《信息工程大学学报》 2008年第1期80-84,共5页 Journal of Information Engineering University
关键词 可编程图形处理器硬件 数据并行计算 流计算 GPU计算 Brook programmable graphics hardware data parallel stream computing GPU computing Brook
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