
天鹅山林场森林景观异质性分析 被引量:2

The heterogeneity analysis of the Swan Mountain forest landscape
摘要 景观空间格局分析是景观生态学研究的核心问题;利用SPOT5数据以及森林资源调查数据在资兴市天鹅山林场开展森林景观异质性分析,对林场森林资源景观分为杉木林、阔叶林、竹林、灌木林、松林、幼林及非林地等7种景观类型,结合Fragstats3.3景观分析软件进行景观格局指数计算,研究结果表明:天鹅山林场一级森林景观斑块总体密度平均值为7.6458块/hm2,在7个森林景观类型中,以竹林的斑块密度最高,其次才是阔叶林、松林、非林地、杉木林和幼林;景观多样性指数为1.5377,均匀度指数为0.7902,优势度指数为0.4802,说明景观异质性较高,景观类型丰富。 That the space pattern analyses of the landscape is the core problem of the landscape ecology studies. Analyzed the forestry heterogeneity of the swan mountain forest landscape in Zixing City by using spots data and the forestry survey data. The forestry landscape can be marked into seven species landscape such as being China fir forest, broad-leaved forest, bamboo grove, shrubwood, pinetum, child forest and being not forest land. With the Fragstats3.3 by calculating the Landscape pattern exponent, the study result indicated that the first class forest landscape of the Swan mountain density average value is 7.645 8 piece per hm^2, the bamboo grove speckle piece density is highest in the 7 forestry landscape, then the broad-leaved forest, the pinetum, the being not forest land, the China fir forest , China fir forest, the child forest ; The Landscape diversity exponent is 1.537 7, the homogeneity exponent is 0.790 2, the advantage exponent is 0.480 2, it means that the heterogeneity of the landscape is higher, and the type of the forestry is various.
出处 《国土与自然资源研究》 2008年第2期54-56,共3页 Territory & Natural Resources Study
关键词 景观生态学 景观格局 异质性分析 天鹅山林场 landscape ecology landscape pattern the heterogeneity analysis swan mountain forest farm
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