
基于资源位置与节点反馈的P2P搜索算法 被引量:4

P2P Network Search Algorithm Based on Position of Resources and Feedback of Nodes
摘要 为了提高查询效率,本文提出了一种利用位置对节点分群,通过历史查询的搜索反馈结果动态选择转发与实际位置相邻节点的算法(FP算法)。该算法通过计算邻居节点的兴趣相关度,定期调整邻居节点。算法分析和实验结果表明,与泛洪式算法相比本算法在搜索时间上改进约10%~40%,同时很好地控制了总的消息数和重复访问节点的比例,提高了查询效率。 In order to raise searching efficiency, this paper presents an algorithm that groups nodes based on their position and chooses to forward the searching demand to practically contiguous nodes dynamically according to their historical searching feedback results. Through calculating neighbor nodes' degree of interest correlation, the algorithm adjusts neighbor nodes regularly. The analysis of the algorithm and the results of experiments show that, compared to flooding algorithm, this algorithm improves performance in terms of seaching time to 10%-40% , as well as controls the amount of messages forwarded and the proportion of repeating visit nodes, so it improves the searching efficiency.
作者 孙华志 侯洁
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期43-45,共3页 Computer Science
基金 天津市自然科学基金项目(编号:06YFJMJC00100)
关键词 P2P 搜索算法 反馈 兴趣相关度 位置 P2P, Search algorithm, Feedback, Degree of interest correlation, Position
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