Objective:To study the neurotrophic activity of SD rat embryonic limb buds extract (ELBE) towards
cultured sensory neurons of dorsal root ganglia from embryonic rats. Methods: Rat embryoes of 10~15 days were taken from SD rats. The bioactive elements from their limb buds were extracted by biochemical methods. ELBE was then added into the cultures of sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia from embryonic rats of 2 weeks. Sensory neurons cultured in single culture medium without ELBE served as control. Phase-contrast microscope and electron microscope observations, cell dyeing and true acetylcholinesterase (AchE) measurement were used to evaluate the survival, activity and ultrastructure of the cultured neurons. Results: The neurons cultured with ELBE had a higher survival rate, longer axons and higher AchE content than the control ones (P<00. 01). The ultrastructure of mitochondria, ri-bosomes and Gorgi's complex was better. Conclusion: Embryonic limb buds extract (ELBE) has strong neurotrophic activities in maintaining survival of neurons and promoting growth of axons.
Chinese Journal of Hand Surgery