从GIS在城市地下水管网管理信息系统的应用研究入手,分析使用MapX集成技术在城市地下水管网管线管理过程带来的优势,探讨利用MapX集成技术在城市地下水管网数据集成、信息采集与处理及数据管理分析等一系列过程。系统采用Visual Basic与MapX集成技术及SQL Server2000数据库平台综合应用开发而成的,系统开发过程快速简单,功能完善,可充分发挥GIS的矢量数据对城市地下水管网分布情况的编辑、管理、分析等功能,还能对地下水管网受损受害地点的快速、精确定位管理指挥具有一定的应用价值。系统的开发实现为城市地下水管网的网络化管理指挥进程提供了一种全新的解决方案,且还保证城市地下水资源可持续性利用和城市经济和社会的可持续性发展。
Starting with the GIS applicatory research on the MIS of Urban Undergrond Water Pipeline, the thesis analyzes the advantages in the Information System of Urban Underground Water Pipeline management based on MapX, and discusses a series of processes involved in data integration, information collection, information disposing and data management analysis, which are based on the MapX applying in Urban Underground Water Pipeline. The system adopts the integrating technologies of Visual Basic and MapX, Combining with the database of SQL Server 2000. It can edit, manage and analyze the distribution of Urban Underground Water Pipeline using the GIS vector data, and manage the orientation of the Underground Water Piepline Net fleetly and accurately. It is a new resoved approach in the course of the network manageemnt of Urban Underground Water Pipeline. The system can also guarantee continuable using of ground water resource and lasting developemnt of economy and society.
The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control