From the view of historical material, the increasing circs of Huai salt price in Jiangguang marketing place in the Qing Dynasty could be divided as three phases: first stage before Qianlong, increasing speed was relatively slow, from 30th year of Kangxi to 6th year of Qianlong(1691-1741),annual average increasing number (on the base of salt weight, below being the same as)was 0.926%. Second stage during the period of Qianlong, increasing speed was fast and in the late of Qianlong it reached max, from 6th year to 54th year(1741-1789), annual average increasing number was 2.1858%.Third stage after the late of Qianlong, from the view of microcosmic, although its price hasing alteration,under special circs price being higher than the late of Qianlong,but following to fall,from the view of macro, the salt price in the stage being "situration state", so from 54th year of Qianlong to 4th year of Tongzhi(1789-1865),the increasing range and annual average increasing number were considered as zero.
Salt Industry History Research