

Local analysis of a food-chain model with stage structure and time delay
摘要 对一类3种群的捕食被捕食模型,运用上下解方法、正性引理和线性化方法,研究了具有时滞和阶段结构弱耦合半线性抛物方程组的存在性和渐近性态.获得了解的整体存在惟一性,并给出了非平凡平衡解局部渐近稳定性易验证的充分条件. A three-species predator-prey model was discussed. By means of the methods of upper-lower solutions ,the positive lemma and linearization, the existence and asymptotic behaviorus of weak coupled system of semi-linear parabolic equations with time delay and stage structure were studied. The global existence-uniqueness of solutions is obtained and the easy verifiable sufficient conditions for local asymptotic stability of a non-trivial steady-state solutions are given
出处 《纺织高校基础科学学报》 CAS 2008年第2期182-187,共6页 Basic Sciences Journal of Textile Universities
基金 西安工程大学校管基金资助项目(2007XG28) 河南省科技厅自然科学基金资助项目(0611055100) 河南省教育自然科学基础研究项目(2006120006)
关键词 捕食被捕食 反应扩散系统 局部渐近稳定 阶段结构 上下解 时滞 predator-prey reaction-diffusion system local asymptotic stability stage structure upper and lower solutions time delay
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